KYC Policy

Know your customer policies have become increasingly important worldwide lately, especially among banks and other financial institutions, in order to prevent identity theft, money laundering, financial fraud, and terrorist activity. Tradifyit holds a zero-tolerance fraud policy and is taking all measures possible to prevent it. Any fraudulent activity will be documented and all related accounts to it will be immediately closed. All funds in these accounts will be forfeited.


Tradifyit aims to ensure the integrity of any sensitive data it obtains, such as your account information and the transactions you make, using a variety of security measures and fraud controls. Securing your electronic transactions requires us to be provided with certain data from you, including your preferred deposit method.

When you deposit funds we will require the following documents
  • A copy of your valid passport with the signature page
  • Copies of your credit cards used to make the deposit (Color copy of Credit Card used to fund trading account (Please show on the front the first 6 digits, the last 4 digits, name and expiration date. From the back please cover the CVV code and show the signature)).
  • A copy of a recent utility bill in your name and address
How do I know my documents are safe with you?

Tradifyit holds the security of documentation at the highest priority and treats all documents it receives with utmost respect and confidentiality. All files we obtain are fully protected using the highest level of possible encryption at every step of the review process.

We thank you for your cooperation in helping us make Tradifyit a safer place to trade.